
Saarijärvi Museum [139]
The main building displays art and historical exhibits and is open daily from June to August, otherwise Thu- Sun 12pm-7pm. Closed while exhibitions are being put up (check at the tourist office). Open to groups by appointment. The museum has a café, and there is a sculpture display in the yard.

Toivi Järvinens Studio Home [139]
Located next to the Museum, the Studio Home displays work by Finnish artists. Guided tours can be arranged.
Herala Studio Home [142]
This is an original farm property owned by the Herala Fund, displaying paintings by the late Aune Herala and work by several renowned Saarijärvi artists and other Finnish artists. Guided tours can be arranged.

Juhola [147] Childhood home of internationally renowned academic and sculptor Kain Tapper and his artist brothers. The area includes a signposted hiking trail, along which you can see important places related to the siblings work. Open Sat and Sun between June and August, and by appointment.

Runeberg Exhibition and Gentry Museum [134]
This is the Saarijärvi home of Finlands national poet, J. L. Runeberg, furnished to resemble a nineteenthcentury gentry home. Includes exhibition and diaphone display. Open in summer and also by appointment to groups.

Stone-Age Village [149]
For details, see Family Holiday Attractions.
For descriptions of the attractions and more detailed brochures, contact:
Saarijärven museo
Herajärventie 2
PL 13, FI-43100, Saarijärvi

Traditional farmhouse and yard with outer buildings. Textile art and painting exhibition and a large collection of objects and printed matter. Open in summer by appointment.
Haarasenmäentie 127
FI-41260 Hoikankylä
Tel. ,

Charming motor museum with a large collection of restored vintage vehicles, displayed in authentic settings. Also exhibits related to the history of schools and dairies. Café Wanhan Ajan Kahvila, Pottery workshop and gift shop. Suitable for the whole family.
Wanhat Wehkeet Jari Lasonen Pajalantie 4
FI-43500 Karstula Tel.
Largest private automobile museum in Finland, located on Jakola farm. Currently the collection consists of 40 complete, ready-to-use cars registered in the museums register. Open year-round; guided tours for groups and rides can be arranged by appointment.
Jakolan Tila
Karajoentie 294
FI-43480 Pääjärvi

Kärnä Power Station Museum [75].
The old power station at the Kärnä rapids displays unique home appliances and machines, and information on the time when electricity was first brought to central Finland. Open between 7 June and 7 August, 12pm-4pm Tue- Sun, otherwise by appointment.
Kärnän Sähkölaitosmuseo
FI-44500 Viitasaari
Tel. ,
Forestry Museum [57].
Displays old work methods and equipment related to Finnish forestry management, as well as buildings including a forest cabin, stables, a smoke sauna, a granary and a windmill. Open by appointment, 27 June-31 July 2005
FI-44500 Viitasaari
Tel. ,
Kinnula Homestead Museum and Vihtori Storcks Traditional Studio [22]
The area contains old buildings in the style of the Pohjanmaa region, such as a farmhouse with its outer buildings and utensils, including as a curiosity a museum dugout. The traditional studio has wooden sculptures, statues and paintings depicting ancient ways of living. Open 28 June-31 July 2005, Tue-Sat 10am-4pm.
FI-43900 Kinnula
Tel. ,
Javelin Museum [5].
The Javelin Museum, located in Putaanportti shopping centre, displays the history of Finnish javelin throwing through graphical material and objects. Open according to Kultakeramiikka ceramic shop´s opening hours.
Keihäsmuseo, Kultakeramiikka Shop
Putaanportti FI-44800 Pihtipudas Tel.
Music festival encompassing lots of different styles, held in Saarijärvi 17-23 July 2006.
High-quality international new music festival, held in Viitasaari.
Musiikin aika
Keskitie 10, FI-44500, Viitasaari
Classical music festival held in Kivijärvi.
Karstula international music week.
Tel. ,
Diverse music festival at Suovanlahti, Viitasaari.
Info from
Ilkka Rantamäki tel. or
Ari Raiskio tel.
Annual exhibitions put on at Midsummer:
Heinäaho Summer Gallery [80], open 3-31 July 2005. Tuila Vuorinen
Tuulensuu Sculpture Park [79], open in summer. Jorma Rihto,
tel. .
Vuorela Summer of Arts [55]
Classic and contemporary art from the collections of Erkki Paananen and Tuulensuu, Viitasaari. Open daily 29 June-31 July 2005, 10am-6pm.
Vuorela Manor Vuorelantie 2 FI-44500 Viitasaari Tel.
Art Fair at Wiikin Kartano Manor [60]
Watercolours and textiles by Hilkka and Sirpa Arisalo. Open daily 3-31 July 2005, 12pm-6pm. Info from tel. +358 and